We’ve all heard the old saying, “it’s hit enough to cook an egg on the cement”. Well, unfortunately for diabetics pre-mature poultry isn’t the only poachable things on the hot cement. Your little piggies are at risk of going sunny-side-up if you’re not careful!
The recent heat wave has sent temperatures over triple digits in many parts of the country. Power outages have occurred and many seek refuge outdoors, hoping to catch a breeze.
Even with air temperatures lower, the heat radiating from off the cement has been reported as high as 130 degrees F. That is comparable to walking across a hot breakfast griddle!
I once knew a diabetic male with neuropathy (no feeling in his feet) who took a cell phone call outside on his driveway for 30 minutes then realized (after seeing blood on his carpet) that he gave himself severe burns on his soles.
As the temperature climbs, please be vigilant of your feet, hydration and mood. Look for signs of heat exhaustion or stroke. Learn more here!
Any questions regarding this blog please contact Dr Vaclaw at Foot and Ankle Specialists of The Woodlands. 281-909-7722 or info@fasthewoodlands.com