
Not Your Granddad's Orthotics: Custom Shoes to Help Your Foot Pain

Oct 01, 2023
Not Your Granddad's Orthotics: Custom Shoes to Help Your Foot Pain
Custom shoes offer the ideal support for your feet and ankles, and today’s choices are much more fashion-forward than what your grandpa wore. Learn how your custom shoes are crafted and what benefits they offer tired, painful feet.

When foot pain isn’t letting up, it may be time to consider the benefits of custom shoes designed to fit your unique foot shape.

At Foot and Ankle Specialists in Memorial City, The Woodlands, and Huntsville, Texas, our expert podiatrists offer custom shoes that can relieve pain, improve your balance, and enhance your overall mobility.

We also offer Dr. Comfort diabetic shoes that lower your risk for foot ulcers and other diabetic complications.

Why you have foot pain

Foot pain can be a side effect of injuries and many different medical conditions.

Acute foot pain may result if you overuse the muscles or joints in your feet when running on hard surfaces or engaging in other physical activities. Acute pain typically lasts less than six weeks and is manageable with lifestyle changes, rest, and over-the-counter medications.

Chronic foot pain that lasts six months or longer can be a symptom of:

Many of these conditions require medical intervention to correct the root cause of pain and prevent complications like deformities from developing. You may also be a candidate for custom shoes and custom orthotics to keep your feet and ankles in good health.

How custom shoes work

Custom shoes are designed for your foot size and shape. Our providers use casts of your foot and ankle to create a well-fitting, supportive shoe.

Custom-made shoes can relieve pressure on points throughout your feet to prevent pain and muscle fatigue. They can also be made with additional padding to protect your skin from irritation.

Custom shoes are ideal for those who have chronic foot pain or difficulty wearing traditional shoes due to:

Today’s custom shoe designs are nothing like what your grandparents had to wear in years past. They feature modern styles with enhanced support to keep you pain-free during everyday activities.

In addition to custom shoes, our team specializes in custom orthotics that fit inside your regular shoes and absorb the shock of your movements.

What to know about custom orthotics

Orthotics include shoe inserts that offer support to your ankles and feet. Custom orthotics are designed to fit the shape of your foot to ensure optimal support.

Our providers use advanced 3D-scanning technology to create images of your feet. These images are used to customize shoe inserts and other orthotics to the shape of your foot.

We offer soft orthotics made of high-quality foam rubber and silicone gel. You may also benefit from rigid orthotics made of carbon fiber or hard plastic to keep your joints and soft tissues properly aligned.

The type of orthotics you need depends on the condition you’re treating and the severity of your pain. Our podiatrists offer comprehensive foot and ankle evaluations to identify which orthotics you need to maintain optimal mobility.

To schedule a custom shoe consultation, call the Foot and Ankle Specialists office near you today, or book an appointment online anytime.