After watching Captain Phillips this weekend, I once again appreciated the acting talent of the legendary Tom Hanks. Hanks was recently diagnosed with Type II Diabetes. Diabetes is an epidemic that is sweeping across our country. The American Diabetes Association is attempting to raise awareness as certain types of diabetes can be avoided.
Hanks is known for his many roles ranging from the 12 year old boy trapped in an adult’s body in the 80’s hit, Big, to the lonely FedEx employee in Cast Away. Hanks will likely begin taking types of medicine to help reduce his high blood sugar levels.
Type I diabetes is caused by the pancreas’ inability to produce insulin, which breaks down sugar. Type II diabetes is the body’s inability to use the insulin available. Type I is USUALLY diagnosed in children while Type II is commonly an adult diagnosis. Type II is largely controlled by a diet low in sugar and carbohydrates.
As the body’s blood sugar levels increase it causes issues in small vessels of the body including the eyes, heart, kidneys and feet. The problems with diabetes in the feet start with high blood sugar destroying the small nerve fibers in the skin, leading to a lack of sensation called neuropathy. High blood sugar results in decreased blood flow to the small vessels of the skin, prohibiting oxygen and nutrients from feeding the tissues of the feet. These problems can lead to diabetic foot ulcers and infections. The #1 reason for hospitalizations amongst diabetics is diabetic foot infections.
Dr. Vaclaw is The American Diabetes Association StepOut Walk to Stop Diabetes Premier Podiatrist for The Woodlands walk and is highly involved in the ADA’s preparation and execution of the annual walk.
At Foot and Ankle Specialists of The Woodlands, we provide diabetic foot care education and education including neuropathy treatment, diabetic shoes and more. For more information on diabetes and diabetic feet, please contact:
Dr. Marcin N. Vaclaw
Foot and Ankle Specialists of The Woodlands
9191 Pinecroft suite 150